“All Natural” Weed and Grass Killer – Is It Really Safe?

All Natural Weed and Grass KillerDo you want to get rid of weed in your yard without using glyphosate or other harmful chemicals? Natural Armor makes and all natural weed and grass killer that you can use to safely control weeds AND get great results.

Which Weeds Does it Kill & How Fast Does it Work?

In fact, this concentrated formula can kill over 250 different varieties of weeds. Plus, you don’t have to apply it multiple times in order for it to work.

Most people see results within just a few hours in a single application. Simply spray it on weeds and watch it work.

By the way, this concentrated formula is potent. However, it is not packaged as a concentrate, so you don’t have to dilute and mix it – just spray.

Note: Keep in mind, though, that Natural Armor will kill grass. Therefore, be careful when using it in or next to a lawn (or other plants for that matter).

Overspray can cause harm to nearby foliage, so spray close and direct when you don’t want to impact flowers or plants close by.

All that said, you don’t have to worry about this all natural weed and grass killer hurting you, your kids, pets or other wildlife. Furthermore, this organic mixture won’t contaminate ground water either.

Take a look at the ingredients:

  • Sodium Chloride (salt)
  • Citric Acid
  • Clove Oil
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (a foaming agent commonly found in soap, shampoo and toothpaste)
  • Vinegar
  • Glycerine
  • Lemon Juice
  • Water

Dead Weeds Sprayed with Natural Armor Organic Herbicide

In addition to getting rid of weeds in your lawn, non-toxic herbicide works really well to spot treat other areas because it’s so safe. For example, you can safe applying it on concrete patios around pools, in dog runs, in kids play areas, etc..

Not to mention, you can effectively control unwanted grass and plants growing up through cracks in walkways, driveways, gravel paths, around pavers and more. Having an eco-friendly spray-on solution makes it super easy to control weeds before they become overgrown and out of control. =)

Note: Like other non-toxic weed sprays, the Natural Armor all-natural alternative can cost up to twice as much as the chemical-laden products. However, when you buy Natural Armor in bulk (ie. 4 gallons at a time), you can bring the cost down significantly, to where you pay close to the same price.

Specs for Natural Armor All Natural Weed and Grass Killer

All Natural Weed/Grass Killer in 16 or 32 ounce Spray Bottle

I’ve found that having a non-toxic and safe weed spray makes it super easy to manage weeds year round. In other words, when I notice sprouts popping up, I feel totally comfortable grabbing my sprayer and taking care of business.

Natural alternatives like Natural Armor seriously take the work out of spraying for weeds. I don’t think of it as a dreaded chore anymore, because the task goes by just as quick as watering my flowers. =)


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